INTERTEC Enclosure & Heater

INTERTEC™ has designed and shipped over half a million enclosures since 1965, to protect equipment operating in the most demanding operating conditions on Earth - from Arctic regions to the hottest desert.

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    Best protection for sensitive field devices and systems thanks to proven GRP enclosures INTERTEC uses a proprietary composite material of glass fiber reinforced plastic or glass f...

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    Protective canopies and sunshades Protection of instruments, housings and switches against sun, weather and dirt INTERTEC protective canopies and sunshades made fromGRPoffer ef...

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    Protective Cabinets and Shelters Comprehensive protection solutions that provide more functions than traditional protection cabinets INTERTEC protective cabinets and shelters a...

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    1 ApplicationIn the event of a fire, emergency “shut down” (ESD)valves and their actuators must be protected againstheat exposure in chemical and petrochemical plants.In an emergen...

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    MESC Protective Shade GRP AntistaticMESC Enclosure GRP Antistatic

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    MESC Mounting Bracket A1MESC Bracket A2MESC Bracket B1MESC Bracket B2

  • เป็นเนื้อหาของบทความหรือสินค้าโดยละเอียดกรุณาใส่ข้อความ …
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