Safe-Fire Combustion Diagnosis

Safe-Fire works with clients facing combustion challenges to develop innovative solutions that improve overall efficiency of their combustion systems.  Using innovative technologies, we help increase fuel efficiency, reduce emissions, and extend the equipment service life by giving operators greater understanding and control of the combustion environment.  Safe-Fire continues its efforts to a cleaner environment through its development of technologies to improve fuel efficiency and reduce emissions.

Utilize a dual-spectrum temperature measuring method to ensure that results are unaffected by the interference from flying ash and coal change


1. Reduce Slagging
2. Saving Coal
3. Increase Boiler Efficiency
4. Decrease NOx
5. Decrease CO from Fuel Gas

  • Combustion Diagnosis.jpg
    Inside a boiler, flame temperature and its combustion process play critical roles in safe boiler operation. Optically monitoring your boiler’s burner flames, will allow you t...

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    Optical flame detection is an integral part of operating a boiler. Whether you combust coal, oil or gas a flame detection system is vital in operating any plant efficiently and saf...

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    Preventing fuel build up inside a boiler, is crucial to safely operating any plant, making them dependent on their ignition system to reliably and effectively combust any fuel.

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    - TempVision 1000 - Portable Device - TempVision 3000 - Cement Steel Gas - TempVision 5000 - Power Plant
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