SSS Clutch

The SSS Clutch is a sophisticated freewheel and as such with today's emphasis on energy efficiency and flexibility the requirement for SSS Clutches is continuing to increase.

Due to their robust design SSS Clutches are also suitable for use in simple systems where long life, reliability and/or low cost are important.

The SSS Clutch is engineered for the application and as such we spend time and use our experience to understand customer's requirements and design accordingly. This attention to detail and emphasis on real quality has given us the reputation of which we are very proud.

- The highest power SSS Clutch transmits 320MW at 3000rpm.

- The highest torque SSS Clutch transmits 4MNm at 600rpm.

- The highest speed SSS Clutch rotates at 16 000 rpm

- SSS Clutches are used in a huge range of applications where reliability and long life are critical.

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