AVEAVA Predictive Analytics (PRiSM)

Through your HMI and SCADA systems, your organization has already
experienced the impact that meaningful data has on your daily operations. Realtime information, displayed in context, means your personnel can easily identify
abnormal conditions, focus their attention immediately on problems, and interact
with your machinery from anywhere in the world.

Your assets are continually generating huge amounts of information, but how
much of this data do you miss? How much do you not see, not interpret, and
not use? By reading and responding to this data effectively, you can get much
more out of what you already have. Asset Performance Management helps you
streamline your processes, increase reliability, reduce downtime, and achieve asset
performance excellence.

Improving reliability, performance and safety are among the top priorities of industrial plants and other asset-intensive organizations, and businesses today are focusing their efforts and resources on controlling costs and maximizing value from investments already made. AVEVA Predictive Analytics helps organizations gain the highest return on critical assets by supporting predictive maintenance (PdM) programs with early warning detection of equipment issues ahead of existing operational alarms.

More information is available about the health and performance of your equipment than ever before, and sensors are communicating ever increasing amounts of data in real time. AVEVA Predictive Analytics gives users the ability to quickly transform raw data into actionable insights to prevent equipment failure and make smart decisions that improve operations. Equipment agnostic, the software can be configured to monitor assets regardless of equipment type, vendor, or asset age without the need for manufacturer specific asset information

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