FGM160 Flare Gas Meter to Reduce Carbon Emission

With a choice of transducers to fit the individual requirements of your site, the FGM160 can cover a wide range of temperatures - choose between low, standard or high temperature transducers depending on your application.

The combination of two signal types (a variable “chirp” signal and a continuous sine wave signal) enhances the accuracy and stability of the meter readings, preventing signal loss at high and low velocities.

Short of space? The FGM160 works reliably with half the pipe run up- and downstream that competitors require, saving installation costs for additional pipework and precious space. 

To keep the pressure high in low flow conditions or to clean the line for maintenance, you are probably purging with nitrogen. If your meter is only capable of measuring volume, you pay tax that you do not need to. Fluenta’s built-in Enhanced Density Model (EDM) calculates the amount of nitrogen, allowing you to manage your costs. 
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